Come Try Ringette

Each year, West Ottawa Ringette offers Come Try Ringette events free of charge!! 

This is an opportunity for all children and adolescents to take to the ice, hold a ringette stick, stab the ring, and get a feel for the game. Maybe you are already a ringette player who has a friend who would like to try playing ringette, just like you did this season. Bring them along and try it together! Or maybe you are a hockey player who’d like to learn more about ringette. This is your chance to check it out!

Come Try Ringette events are typically held in the spring and fall. Please check back on our website for details when events are announced. You can also subscribe to our news feed from the home page of the website to receive our latest news.

All you need is a pair of skates, a helmet, and a pair of gloves (either hockey gloves or pair of winter gloves). Ringette sticks will be available for use, but if you have one or can borrow one, that is even better!

Have you ever dreamed of being a goalie? Here is your chance to try it out! West Ottawa Ringette welcomes goalies, as well as players, to be part of our fantastic league! If you are seriously considering being a goalie, come and see us at the Come Try Ringette event. West Ottawa Ringette is looking for goalies between the ages of 10-17.

West Ottawa Ringette also now offers an equipment loan program to new ringette players from the ages of 4 - 7. This provides 26 players who are new to the sport with all necessary equipment, except for a helmet and skates. Not only do they learn to skate, but they meet new friends and are introduced to the great sport of ringette. More information will be available at the Come Try Ringette event!


The Ringette Equipment Exchange of West Ottawa has been created as a closed Facebook group to members of ringette associations from western Ottawa. The purpose is to facilitate the exchange of ringette sports equipment. Items being offered need to be in good condition and the onus is on the seller (or the person gifting items for free) for liability purposes. It is highly recommended that if you are gifting an item for free, you use a fair offer policy (FOP), such as letting an item be viewed for several hours before selecting a winner.


Representatives from WORA will be present at the Come Try Ringette event to answer any questions you may have. There will also be on-ice helpers to assist new skaters and those who made need extra help.

You have nothing to lose, so come on out and give ringette a try!

For further information, send us an email.

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Upcoming Events

Apr. 05, 2025 10:15 AM to 11:15 AM

Come Try Ringette
Cardel Recreation Complex (CRC)
Come Try Ringette FREE Event!

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Apr. 12, 2025

Senior Banquet
Irish Hills

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Apr. 13, 2025

Junior Banquet
Carp Agricultural Hall

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