COVID Policies

Sep. 21, 2021


COVID vaccination update

In accordance with Ontario Government guidelines, as of September 22nd, all persons eligible to be vaccinated against COVID-19 that are attending WORA sanctioned events in facilities will be required to show photo ID and proof that they have been fully vaccinated* prior to entry. *A person is considered fully vaccinated 14 days after receiving their second dose.

Please note, under the Ontario Government guidelines, persons under the age of 18 who are entering a facility to actively participate in organized sport are exempt from providing proof of vaccination. This includes training, practices, games, and competitions. Youth Coaches and Officials also fall under this exemption. This exemption does NOT apply to youth who are spectators at sporting events.

As of November 1st, 2021, Ringette Ontario is mandating that all Ringette Ontario Participants - including Players, Officials, Bench Staff, Volunteers and Third Party Contractors, 18 years and above, are to provide proof of being fully vaccinated, in order to participate in RO Sanctioned Activities.

For medical exemption, please ensure to review page 6 of the Ontario Government guidelines, as well as complete the RO Application for Accommodation. Please make sure all required proof of medical exemption is available upon arrival for verification.


Other additional restrictions

As previously mentioned, other municipalities and/or arenas have implemented further restrictions than the City of Ottawa’s. 

We have also been notified that the majority of other regions, outside of ERRA, are requiring all individuals to be fully vaccinated to enter the facility. 

Although the City of Ottawa is providing exemptions for on-ice participants, when entering other facilities participants are required to abide by those facilities rules and regulations. Meaning, if a WORA team is playing a game in Arnprior, or attending a tournament in the Toronto area, participants who do not meet that facility’s restrictions will not be allowed to enter that facility to play. 


What to expect at WORA contract facilities

All Sensplex Facility - The facility staff will be checking proof of vaccination.

All City of Ottawa Facility - WORA volunteers will be checking for proof of vaccination.  

Beckwith Arena - WORA volunteers will be checking for proof of vaccination. Only one spectator per participant will be permitted. 


Members wishing to withdraw for the season

With the information provided above, if any member wishes to withdraw for the season, please submit your request to the WORA registrar and treasurer by September 25th. All withdrawal requests received after the 25th will fall under our normal refund policy and be subject to refund fees.


Important Reminder

Participants, U16 and below, must be accompanied by a parent/guardian or a designated adult while in the facility in case an injury or emergency arises. 

Ringette Ontario have implemented a Zero Tolerance clause against abusive behavior and individuals who behave in any manner deemed as threatening, abusive, harassment and/or aggressive, towards volunteers and facility personnel, which will fall under the RO Discipline & Complaints Policy and deemed a Major Infraction. 


We thank you in advance for following the policy stated above and arriving prepared with your photo ID and proof of vaccination. 

Thank you,

WORA Executives


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